Gem Therapy

  • Energy cleanse and detox.
  • Karmic neutralization.
  • DNA enhancement.
  • Dream interaction.
  • Aura alignment.
  • Removal of Mental/Spiritual energy barriers.
  • Understanding of your thought process to tap into only relevant thoughts.
  • Revealing the secrets as per your Birth chart and the most suitable Gemstone for you.
  • More about your Career / Relationships / Health / Wealth / Spirituality.
  • 1 to 1 interaction with Experts.

Duration: (20+20) Minutes
Price: INR 5500

Dynamic Gem-Therapy

Gem Therapy


  • Life path guidance.
  • Brainwave Entrainment.
  • Energetically Programmed Telephonic Interaction.
  • Personalized Energy MP3.

Duration: (20+20+20) Minutes
Price: INR 11000

On appointment basis only

After payment you will receive a call to confirm the appointment timing.

Following that you will receive the 1 to 1 DYNAMIC GEM - THERAPY SESSION

Need Help in Selecting the Right Gemstone for You?

Connect with our Gem Experts Now.

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